Panji Pangestu On Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Modern Diplomacy
"Diplomasi Modern"

Buku ini menyediakan eksplorasi menyeluruh dari evolusi dan konsep lembaga diplomasi.

Buku ini melengkapi siswa dengan analisis rinci dari isu-isu internasional penting yang berdampak pada diplomasi dan hubungannya dengan politik internasional.

Modern Diplomacy provides a comprehensive exploration of the evolution and concepts of the institution of diplomacy.  This book equips students with a detailed analysis of important international issues that impact upon diplomacy and its relationship with international politics.  The subject is bought ‘to life’ through the use of case studies and examples which highlight the working of contemporary diplomacy within the international political arena.
Organised around five broad topic areas, including the nature of diplomacy, diplomatic methods and negotiation, the operation of diplomacy in specific areas and natural disasters and international conflict, the book covers all major topic areas of contemporary diplomacy.

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