Harry Potter Complete Series

Friday, July 31, 2015
Posted by Panji Pangestu

Harry Potter Complete Series
Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Mungkin pada bingung ya kenapa tiba - tiba bagiin ebook harry potter ini tapi kalo yang ngikutin buku ini pasti tahu kenapa aku bagiin karena hari ini merupakan hari ulang tahun sang penulis (31 Juli 1965) buku keren ini siapa lagi kalo bukan J.K. Rowling 

terima kasih atas buku yang luar biasa ini yang merupakan salah satu teman waktu sendirian termenung hehehe

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


  1. Tongkat Ajaib
Setiap tongkat di film Harry Potter dibuat di tempat – termasuk tongkat milik Daniel Radcliffe yang sampai berjumlah 60-70 buah karena aus dipakai selama tujuh film terakhir. Sama seperti di buku, tidak ada dua tongkat yang sama, bahkan tongkat milik si kembar identik Fred dan George Weasley. Meskipun Radcliffe telah memakai beberapa tongkat, sebagian besar tongkat dibuat secara konsisten dengan panjang sekitar 33-38 cm, seperti di buku. Ini berarti justru karakternya yang tumbuh besar dengat tongkat yang sama selama bertahun-tahun pembuatan film. Tongkat Dumbledore yang berdesain rumit juga tetap sama, padahal dulu perusahaan film -dan seluruh dunia- tidak tahu bahwa tongkat tersebut merupakan"The Elder Wand".

2. Adegan di Aula Besar Hogwarts
Lebih dari 600 seragam sekolah dibuat untuk film Harry Potter. Adegan pertempuran di "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" menjadi adegan dengan jumlah terbesar pembuatan seragam untuk para pemain dan pemain ekstra – bisa dilihat sewaktu finale 400 orang Death Eaters dan Snatchers bergabung dengan 400 orang guru dan murid Hogwarts berkumpul di Aula Besar

3. Replika Properti Film
Yang terlihat di foto sebenarnya hanya sebagian dari 210.000 koin dibuat untuk adegan Bank Gringotts di dua filmterakhir. Artefak lainnya yang juga diduplikasi dalam jumlah banyak adalah salah satunya liontin Salazar Slytherin, yang dibuat sampai 40 replika untuk mengakomodasi adegan Harry dan Ron sewaktu berusaha menghancurkannya.

4. Wajah Populer Harry Potter
Tanda kilat di dahi Harry Potter telah dibuat oleh tim makeup kira-kira sebanyak 5.800 kali. Sekitar 2000 kali tanda tersebut diaplikasikan langsung di wajah Radcliffe, sementara sisanya diaplikasikan di dahi para pemain penggantinya. Meskipun barang properti favorit Radcliffe di film itu adalah kacamatanya, ternyata kacamata tersebut telah diganti sebanyak 160 kali.

5. Busana Dalam Film Harry Potter
lebih dari 25,000 busana telah digunakan sepanjang film Harry Potter

6. Naga Gringotts
200 makhluk ajaib telah diciptakan untuk seri film Harry Potter, termasuk naga ini. Aragog, sang Acromantula (laba-laba raksasa) yang ditampilkan dalam film kedua, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret", memiliki rentang kaki dari 5,48 meter. 250 hewan non-robot telah digunakan dalam film, yang terbesar adalah seekor kuda nil dan yang terkecil adalah kelabang.

7. Shell Cottage
Rumah Bill dan Fleur, di mana Harry, Rondan Hermione berlindung di film terakhir, 90 persen dikerjakan di Leavesden Studio dan kemudian dipindahkan ke Fresh Water West di Wales. Rumah tersebut diangkut oleh traktor di sepanjang pantai sebelum dibawa menaiki bukit pasir oleh kru. Lokasi itu menjadi lokasi paling sering difoto oleh penggemar. 4.500 keping kerang raksasa dibutuhkan untuk atap pondok, dan bahkan ratusan helai rumput ditanam secara individual ke dalam pasir di bukit sekitarnya. Settingan rumput ini tahan angin pantaiberkat 10,9 ton air yang digunakan sebagai beban untuk menahannya.

8. Snape dan Voldemort Bertemu di Rumah Perahu
Ini hanyalah salah satu dari 588 set yang telah dibuat untuk film Harry Potter– produk dari 58 orang staf DepartemenSeni. Banyak set telah diciptakan di lahan Leavesden Studio. 80 hektar studio menyediakan hingga 46.500 meter persegi set panggung. Termasuk juga settingan panggung untuk terbang(sapu di film Harry Potter yang dibuat dari titanium untuk pesawat).

9. Kostum dan Topeng
Tentara patung yang digunakan untuk melawan Voldemort di Hogwarts ini hanya sebagian karakter yang mengenakan topeng dalam film. Memang betul, topeng dari Death Eaters-lah yang paling menuntut keterampilan dari para kru. Ini merupakan asil kolaborasi antara Departemen Seni dan Departemen Properti. Semua topeng Death Eaters diukir oleh tim DepartemenSeni dan dicetak langsung ke wajah para aktor selama 2,5 menit sampai mengeras. Kemudian Tim Properti menyelesaikannya dengan membuat desain timah secara individual.

10. Ron dan Hermione di Antara Puing-Puing
Adegan ini menampilkan hanya sebagian dari 29 ton puing polistiren yang dibawa oleh 5 buah truk digunakan dalam film Deathly Hallows

Sumber: UnikAnehDunia

Animal Physiology, 3rd Edition
"Fisiologi Hewan, Edisi Ke 3"

Animal Physiology presents all the branches of modern animal physiology with a strong emphasis on integration of physiological knowledge, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Integration extends from molecules to organ systems and from one physiological discipline to another. The book takes an entirely fresh approach to each topic. Its full-colour illustrations include many novel, visually effective features to help students learn. Each of the 25 main chapters starts with a brief animal example to engage student interest and demonstrate the value of the material that will be learned. The book includes five additional, briefer 'At Work' chapters that apply students' newfound physiological knowledge to curiosity-provoking and important topics, including diving by marine mammals, the mechanisms of navigation, and muscle plasticity in use and disuse. The book is committed to a comparative approach throughout. Whereas mammalian physiology is consistently treated in depth, emphasis is also given to the other vertebrate groups, arthropods, molluscs, and-as appropriate-additional invertebrates. Concepts and integrative themes are emphasized while giving students the specifics they need. The whole animal is the principal focus of this book. The pages are filled with information on everything from knockout mice, genomics, and enzyme chemistry to traditional organ physiology, phylogenetic analysis, and applications to human affairs. Always, the central organizing principle for the array of topics presented is to understand whole animals in the environments where they live. Complex principles are developed clearly and carefully to help students understand important concepts in sufficient depth without being overwhelmed. Pedagogical aids include embedded summaries throughout chapters, study questions, partially annotated reference lists, an extensive glossary, appendices, and an upgraded index. For all three authors, teaching physiology to undergraduate students has been a lifelong priority. The opening five chapters provide background material on physiological basics, cell-molecular concepts, genomics, physiological development, transport of solutes and water, ecology, and evolutionary biology. The remaining chapters are organized into five sections: 1. Food, Energy, and Temperature, 2. Integrating Systems, 3. Movement and Muscle, 4. Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Internal Transport, 5. Water, Salts, and Excretion. All chapters updated based on the latest literature and terminology. All figures and text revised as needed for pedagogical effectiveness. Updated, in-depth lists of references to the scientific literature

Buku ini mempersembahkan semua cabang-cabang dari ilmu fisiologi modern dengan emphasis yang kuat pada intergrasi dari pengetahuan fisiologi, ekologi, dan biologi evolusioner

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Probability- An Introduction, 2 edition
"Probabilitas - Perkenalan. Edisi ke 2"

  • Directed at first and second year undergraduates
  • A concise introduction to probability
  • An honest approach to mathematical rigour
  • Careful choice of material, from probability to stochastic processes
  • Enhanced by exercises and problems
New to this edition
  • New chapter on Markov chains
  • Has been developed in response to the evolution of course syllabuses
  • Further examples, exercises, and problems including problems from the Oxford and Cambridge finals papers
Probability is an area of mathematics of tremendous contemporary importance across all aspects of human endeavour. This book is a compact account of the basic features of probability and random processes at the level of first and second year mathematics undergraduates and Masters' students in cognate fields. It is suitable for a first course in probability, plus a follow-up course in random processes including Markov chains.

A special feature is the authors' attention to rigorous mathematics: not everything is rigorous, but the need for rigour is explained at difficult junctures. The text is enriched by simple exercises, together with problems (with very brief hints) many of which are taken from final examinations at Cambridge and Oxford. 

The first eight chapters form a course in basic probability, being an account of events, random variables, and distributions - discrete and continuous random variables are treated separately - together with simple versions of the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. There is an account of moment generating functions and their applications. The following three chapters are about branching processes, random walks, and continuous-time random processes such as the Poisson process. The final chapter is a fairly extensive account of Markov chains in discrete time.

This second edition develops the success of the first edition through an updated presentation, the extensive new chapter on Markov chains, and a number of new sections to ensure comprehensive coverage of the syllabi at major universities.

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Molecular Biology of the Cell (6 edition)
" Biologi Molekuler Sel "

As the amount of information in biology expands dramatically, it becomes increasingly important for textbooks to distill the vast amount of scientific knowledge into concise principles and enduring concepts.As with previous editions, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Sixth Edition accomplishes this goal with clear writing and beautiful illustrations. The Sixth Edition has been extensively revised and updated with the latest research in the field of cell biology, and it provides an exceptional framework for teaching and learning.
The entire illustration program has been greatly enhanced.Protein structures better illustrate structure–function relationships, icons are simpler and more consistent within and between chapters, and micrographs have been refreshed and updated with newer, clearer, or better images. As a new feature, each chapter now contains intriguing openended questions highlighting “What We Don’t Know,” introducing students to challenging areas of future research. Updated end-of-chapter problems reflect new research discussed in the text, and these problems have been expanded to all chapters by adding questions on developmental biology, tissues and stem cells, pathogens, and the immune system.

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The Foundation of Phisical Law

Monday, March 23, 2015
Posted by Panji Pangestu

The Foundation of  Physical Law
"Dasar Hukum Fisikal"

The book originated in a series of lectures given at Liverpool in 2013 to a group that included postgraduate and undergraduate students and staff of the Physics Department. 

They followed from two very successful lectures given to the undergraduate Physical Society.

The book originated in a series of lectures given at Liverpool in 2013 to a group that included postgraduate and undergraduate students and staff of the Physics Department. They followed from two very successful lectures given to the undergraduate Physical Society. It seemed that there was a very large interest among the students in investigating the foundations of physics in a way that was never done in physics courses, and was not available in books or other outlets. However, the idea was to create a framework in which students (and interested staff) could develop their own thinking relative to the ideas in the lectures. So it was important to create both conceptual and mathematical structures on the issues that are important at this level. The book has the right sort of technical content to allow for this development, but doesn't lose itself in excessive details. The ideal use for this book would be on postgraduate courses where students would be encouraged to think about the foundations in a way that is well beyond the superficial. However, a course on aspects of this material would also be valuable at the undergraduate level, where students could be stimulated into believing that creative thinking could solve the problems that emerge when we confront foundational problems.
Readership: Students and researchers with basic knowledge in abstract mathematics, who are interested in the fundamentals of physics.

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Higher Engineering Mathematics 7th Edition
By John Bird

"Matematika Teknik Lanjutan"

A practical introduction to the core mathematics principles required at higher engineering level

John Bird s approach to mathematics, based on numerous worked examples and interactive problems, is ideal for vocational students that require an advanced textbook.

A practical introduction to the core mathematics principles required at higher engineering level
John Bird’s approach to mathematics, based on numerous worked examples and interactive problems, is ideal for vocational students that require an advanced textbook.
Theory is kept to a minimum, with the emphasis firmly placed on problem-solving skills, making this a thoroughly practical introduction to the advanced mathematics engineering that students need to master. The extensive and thorough topic coverage makes this an ideal text for upper level vocational courses.
Now in its seventh edition, Engineering Mathematics has helped thousands of students to succeed in their exams. The new edition includes a section at the start of each chapter to explain why the content is important and how it relates to real life. It is also supported by a fully updated companion website with resources for both students and lecturers. It has full solutions to all 1900 further questions contained in the 269 practice exercises.
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Engineering Mathematics 7th Edition
By John Bird

"Matematika Teknik Edisi ke 7"

A practical introduction to the core mathematics required for engineering study and practice

Now in its seventh edition, Engineering Mathematics is an established textbook that has helped thousands of students to succeed in their exams.

A practical introduction to the core mathematics required for engineering study and practice
Now in its seventh edition, Engineering Mathematics is an established textbook that has helped thousands of students to succeed in their exams.
John Bird's approach is based on worked examples and interactive problems. This makes it ideal for students from a wide range of academic backgrounds as the student can work through the material at their own pace. Mathematical theories are explained in a straightforward manner, being supported by practical engineering examples and applications in order to ensure that readers can relate theory to practice. The extensive and thorough topic coverage makes this an ideal text for a range of Level 2 and 3 engineering courses.

This title is supported by a companion website with resources for both students and lecturers, including lists of essential formulae, multiple choice tests, full solutions for all 1,800 further questions contained within the practice exercises, and biographical information on the 24 famous mathematicians and engineers referenced throughout the book.
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